What is a colonoscopy?

结肠镜检查是一种筛查测试,可以让医生在你的结肠内寻找异常. 一个装在被称为结肠镜的柔性管上的微型摄像机穿过肛门,跟随大肠. 医生可以看到任何异常,并在手术过程中使用相同的工具提取组织样本.

The procedure itself usually takes 15 to 60 minutes, although you should plan on two to three hours for waiting, preparation and recovery.

Schedule a procedure with Guthrie Endoscopy by calling: 

Colon Cancer Screening

结肠镜检查被用作结肠癌的筛查和预防工具. Pre-cancerous growths, called polyps, 能在结肠镜检查时去除它们,防止它们变成癌症吗.


Insurance Information for Colonoscopies

Under the Affordable Care Act, 一些预防性服务,如结肠镜检查,对病人是免费的. 关于哪些结肠镜检查被定义为一种预防服务(筛查),现已有了指南。. 

世界博彩公司十大排名创建了这个文档来整理一些混乱. 以下是你需要知道的关于结肠镜检查的预防知识:

结肠镜检查 Categories:

  • Preventive 结肠镜检查 Screening
    Patient is asymptomatic (no gastrointestinal symptoms either past or present); is 50 years of age or over; has no personal or family history of gastrointestinal disease, colon polyps and/or cancer. 患者在过去10年内未做过结肠镜检查.
  • Diagnostic/therapeutic colonoscopy
    病人有胃肠道症状,如排便习惯改变, 腹泻, constipation, rectal bleeding or gastrointestinal disease.
  • Surveillance/ High Risk Screening 结肠镜检查
    Patient is asymptomatic (no gastrointestinal symptoms either past or present); has a personal history of gastrointestinal disease, colon polyps and/or cancer. 这类患者可在较短的时间间隔内接受结肠镜检查.g. every 2-5 years).

如果筛查结肠镜检查结果活检或切除病变或生长过程中, 这个过程被认为是诊断性的,你可能需要支付共同保险或共同支付.   

我们建议我们的病人联系他们的保险公司核实结肠镜检查的覆盖范围. 你的保险计划可能不考虑监视结肠镜检查作为筛查的好处. 一个程序的正确编码是由你的病史和医生的文件驱动的. 通过改变编码来提高保险利益覆盖范围是不合适的.

Who Should Get a 结肠镜检查 and When?

When you follow screening recommendations, your doctor is able to find cancer early, when it’s most treatable, before you have symptoms.

  • Average Risk: 当你45岁以上,如果你没有特定的风险因素,是时候做第一次结肠镜检查了.
  • Higher Risk: If you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, 在40岁或比你的直系亲属中最小的病例年龄早10岁时进行筛查.


How to prep for a colonoscopy

在手术之前,你需要清理你的结肠,这样医生才能清楚地看到. 有些人觉得准备是整个手术过程中最不愉快的部分. 使用药物,你的身体会被提示清除结肠内的内容物. Be sure to be close to a bathroom during the process.

请注意,有几种方法可以为结肠镜检查做准备. 在您预定的程序之前,请务必确认您的提供者更喜欢哪种准备. 你的肠道必须是空的,这样你的医生才能清楚地看到你的结肠.

What if the colonoscopy shows something abnormal?

If your doctor thinks an area needs further evaluation, 他或她可能通过仪器通过结肠镜获得活检(结肠内膜的样本)进行分析. Biopsies are used to identify many conditions, 即使你的医生不怀疑癌症,他或她也可能会给你开一个.

如果正在进行结肠镜检查以确定出血部位, 你的医生可能会通过结肠镜注射药物或凝血(用热处理封闭出血血管)来控制出血。.

Your doctor might also find polyps during colonoscopy, and he or she will most likely remove them during the examination. These procedures don't usually cause any pain.

What happens after a colonoscopy?

Your physician will explain the results of the examination to you, 不过你可能要等活组织检查的结果.

Someone must drive you home and stay with you. Even if you feel alert after the procedure, 你的判断力和反应能力可能会在今天剩下的时间里受到损害. 你可能会有一些痉挛或腹胀,因为在检查时空气进入结肠. This should disappear quickly when you pass gas.

You should be able to eat after the examination, but your doctor might restrict your diet and activities, especially after polypectomy.

Schedule a procedure with Guthrie Endoscopy by calling: 

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